
Fall 2016 XE8 and 10 Seattle Updates

Embarcadero has just release updates for the XE8 and 10 Seattle versions of Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio, available to customers withan active update subscription. This is part of the ongoing initiative to makeavailable fixes done in newer versions (in this…

Using Migration Tool to Move Your Settings to Update 1

As you can read in the comments of the blog post announcing Berlin 10.1 Update 1, if you are using the GetIt based installer, the registry settings are not preserved as you uninstall, unlike when you are using the traditional ISO-based installer. Beside manually backing up…

Closing the Class Helpers Private Access Loophole

As many of you know, Embarcadero made a change to the Delphi compiler in 10.1 Berlin to close an existing bug that allowed access to private data of any class via a class helper. Developers who were leveraging this hack would need a migration strategy. Private is&#8230…