
Download and Install RAD Studio 10.4.2 from Previous 10.4 Releases via GetIt

Using the GetIt patch mechanism, Embarcadero is alerting customers on prior RAD Studio 10.4 releases that 10.4.2 is available and offering a simplified way to install it. Since RAD Studio 10.4, the IDE has a mechanism to deliver patches via GetIt and an option to alert users that patches are available in the Welcome page. Given there isn’t a similar mechanism to alert about a new release…
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Additional Considerations and Links on RAD Studio 10.4.2

I’ve collected a few additional blog posts with information about new features in the latest version of Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio, which is receiving very positive external customers feedback. Last month Embarcadero made available RAD Studio, C++Builder and…

Two New VCL Controls Coming in RAD Studio 10.4.2

Among the new features in the coming release of Delphi, C++ Builder, and RAD Studio 10.4.2 Embarcadero will include two brand new VCL controls, a virtualized list control and a numeric input box. Warning: This blog post covers an unreleased product, which is subject to changes until GA. The release of RAD Studio 10.4.2 is getting closer and you can join our preview webinar tomorrow…
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26 Years... of Delphi

Today is Delphi 26th anniversary. A very long time… Many things have changed, some more than others. Here’s my 26 picks! On February 14th 1995, Borland introduced a new tool for developers, one that sparked a lot of enthusiasm and over 26 years has been used to…

Using Apilayer REST APIs from Delphi

As you might have seen online, Idera (Embarcadero parent company) recently acquired apilayer, a company offering a number of REST API micro-services, ranging from IP address geolocation to email and phone number checks, from financial information to weather and flight…

New FireUI App Preview on Play Store

When FireMonkey introduced the FireUI Preview a few releases back, the application was available in the Google and Apple stores, to simplify the deployment to a device. The same app is also a demo available as source code, but that requires a few configuration steps to be able to compile and deploy to a device. Having a prebuilt ready-to-use version is a nice advantage. Now Embarcadero has…
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Apple Platforms Patch for RAD Studio 10.4.1

We have just released a new patch focused on improving RAD Studio 10.4.1 support for XCode 12, iOS 14 and macOS 11 Big Sur (Intel): these are operating systems and tools which were not available when 10.4.1 shipped. Specifically, the patch offers fixes for a Delphi exception…

RAD Studio November 2020 Roadmap PM Commentary

by Marco Cantu, David Millington and Sarina DuPont Introduction The Embarcadero RAD Studio product management team regularly updates the product development roadmap for Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio. As you can see in our official roadmap blog post, we have just released a new version of the roadmap, covering the key features that we’ve planned for the next 12 months. Along with the…
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