
Memory Safety with Delphi Webinar

What is memory safety and what does it mean for Delphi development? Background Back in February, the US White House Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) released a report urging developers to build memory safe software. Later the US National Institute of Standards (NIST) updated their list of memory safe programming languages to include Delphi. A few people chimed in with their…
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Case StudyContestNewsShowcase

Enterprise Software Development Article Challenge - Results

There were a lot of great entries for our Enterprise Software Development Article Challenge showing the use of Delphi, C++Builder, InterBase and RAD Server in many different enterprise use cases. List of entries: Winner! How This Motorcycle Hazard Reporting Monitoring Tool Was Made 2nd Place How To Win When You Have 34 Milliseconds To Beat Snoops And Spies My Successful Journey In Building…
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Getting Big with Pi in Delphi

When I was very young and first learned about Pi they told me 3.14 was a good approximation, but it was an irrational number that went on forever, and people with computers were able to calculate many digits. I had a computer (Commodore Vic 20) and wanted to see how many…

Calculating Pi in Delphi for Pi Day 2023

Update: I revisited the calculation of Pi with even more digits. In the United States today, March 14th is  π day (3rd month, 14th day, or 3/14). Traditions involve eating pie, the pastry, and calculating Pi, the irrational mathematical constant. Animation of the…

Streamlining RAD Studio Upgrades with GetIt

This guide covers streamlining GetIt packages during and upgrade and installation for a smoother upgrade experience. When upgrading between major versions, the Settings Migration Tool simplifies keeping your settings. It is also great for migrating a subset of your settings between alternative registry keys. When upgrading minor versions, your registry settings are automatically persisted…
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Setting up Ubuntu 22.04 for Delphi 11.2 Debugging

I created a Bash script a while back for setting up Ubuntu for Delphi development, and update it for each new release. The script automatically installs all the required packages, along with PAServer. I recently updated it again due to an LLDB debugging issue. Error Unable to start LLDB kernel: ‘Symbolic link target does not exist: /home/jim/PAServer/22.0/lldb/lib/ ->…
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