
Dev-C++ Modernized With Powerful New FastMM5 Memory Manager For Delphi

Embarcadero Dev-C++ is an open source C/C++ IDE project built in Delphi. Dev-C++ has been downloaded over 67 MILLON times since 2000 and a modernization effort was sponsored by Embarcadero to bring it up to the latest version of Delphi. The original version by Bloodshed software was originally built in Delphi 6 and then probably upgraded to Delphi 7. A newer unofficial fork called Orwell Dev-C++…
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Double Performance In Some Scenarios With Custom FastMM4-AVX Memory Manager

While looking into upgrading the FastMM4 version in Embarcadero Dev-C++ I ran across a fork of FastMM4 called FastMM4-AVX. It uses special instruction sets to achieve better results than the original FastMM4. Developer maximmasiutin has added a number of enhancements to the original FastMM4 specifically “AVX support and multi-threaded enhancements (faster locking)”. It claims…
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C++DatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

Rapidly Upgrade Legacy Solutions With This RAD Server Comprehensive Quick Start Guide

RAD Server is a turn-key application foundation for rapidly building and deploying services based applications. RAD Server enables developers to quickly build new application back-ends or migrate existing Delphi or C++ client/server business logic to a modern services based architecture that is open, stateless, secure and scalable. At the time of this writing RAD Studio Enterprise incldues one RAD…
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Offline Capable Cross Platform Delphi 10.2 FireMonkey Client Code For Android, iOS, macOS, And Windows

The RAD Server Field Service Template provides an end to end field service application template for routing appointments, managing parts, and user administration. It is made up of a REST server module, a desktop client, and a cross platform mobile client. The template can give you a head start in building your own field service solutions. This blog post is about the offline capable mobile client…
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