10.3.2 includes async parameter completion, tooltip insight and go to definition for Clang-enhanced compilers, as well as significantly revised code completion
In November, we released C++Builder 10.3.0 with an updated Clang-enhanced C++ compiler. That toolchain supported code completion, but missed several other Code Insight features. In 10.3.2, we’ve updated that compiler, adding Win64 support…
In C++Builder 10.3.2, you can target both Win32 and Win64 using the C++17 Clang-enhanced compiler.
In November, we released C++Builder 10.3.0 with an updated Clang-enhanced C++ compiler. This compiler:
Was C++17 compliant
Had an updated Dinkumware STL
Was better at…
C++Builder 10.3.2 is now available!
July 18, 2019
The whole product team is very pleased to announce that RAD Studio, including C++Builder and Delphi, v 10.3.2 is now available. If you have an active update subscription, you can download it now:
RAD Studio 10.3.2 Rio
Delphi 10.3.2Rio
RAD Studio 10.3.2 is close – very close out now!On Wednesday July 24, the product management team (myself, Marco Cantù, and Sarina DuPont) will run a webinar showing you what’s new for both Delphi and C++Builder.
We have some great stuff to present. In C++Builder specifically, some things that many C++ users will be happy to see, and I’d encourage all C++Builder customers…
In RAD Studio 10.2.x and older versions, the IDE had a toolbar that allowed you to log in to our Community site, and see new messages, events and so forth.
In this screenshot of an older version of the IDE – the new one looks much better! – you can see the…
Boost for C++Builder 10.3.1 - now available!
May 15, 2019
The Boost library is now available for C++Builder and RAD Studio 10.3.1.
Boost is a very important third party C++ library, and one many of our customers request support for.It’s taken us longer than we had hoped, but I’m very glad to announce it’s…
Troubleshooting: Installing Bookmarks and Navigator in 10.3 Rio as well as earlier versions
March 1, 2019
Bookmarks and Navigator are some great coding productivity tools available in RAD Studio 10.3.1. You can install them via GetIt. They were recently acquired, and currently still have afew items you might noticerelating to their previous life as a third party addon. The installers for older versions of the IDE are no longer available, since they are now part of RAD Studio 10.3.1.
New Productivity Tooling in RAD Studio 10.3.1: Navigator
February 21, 2019
In RAD Studio 10.3.1, we’ve added two new really useful productivity tools to the IDE, which improve navigation: finding your code, and moving around within your code. A couple of days ago, we looked at Bookmarks; today, let’s look at Navigator.
These two were…
Key Improvements in RAD Studio 10.3.1
February 21, 2019
On February 14th, Delphi’s birthday, we released RAD Studio 10.3.1, a point release to 10.3 Rio. We have a number of great improvements this release I’d like to highlight.
RAD Server Console UI
RAD Server is our platform for building services, such as REST/JSON.
New Productivity Tooling in RAD Studio 10.3.1: Bookmarks
February 18, 2019
In RAD Studio 10.3.1, we’ve added two new really useful productivity tools to the IDE, which improve navigation: finding your code, and moving around within your code. These were previously third-party tools that were very popular withthousands of Delphi and C++Builder developers, and which we’re glad to integrate into the IDE itself to bring these useful features to every…