
How To Design a Great UI - Part 2

Welcome back!Last time, we discussed a typical UX design flow, and how to tackle this if you do not have access to a UX designer. We also looked at some key usability principles, and saw an example ‘bad’ user interface that we will improve step by step through this series. Finally, we examined that bad UI and some of the questions and confusion a user might have when interacting with it.
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How To Design a Great UI - Part 1

How do you design a user interface (UI) to be understandable and easy to interact with? In this series, I’ll give some thoughts on good design, combined with examples. This series is intended as practical UI design advice for small teams or individual developers. Many…

std::out &lt&lt "Happy 35th birthday, C++!"

C++ has a long history, beginning in 1979, with Cpre, which added classes to C. By 1980, it was C with Classes. And then in December of 1983, the term C++ was first used, suggested by Rick Mascitti. That’s thirty-five years ago this year! Read more in this…

Learn to program C++ with C++Builder Community Edition: #5 Operators, and final application!

Welcome to the fifth and final episode of Learning C++ with C++Builder Starter.Last time, we had a calculator and numerical input, demonstrating using boost::optional, smart pointers, and more. This post is shorter: it will finish the calculator with operators (implementing addition, subtraction, etc) and end with a full application, ready to move to cross-platform if you wish. Operators The…
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Learn to program C++ with C++Builder Community Edition: #2, Building and Debugging

Welcome to the second blog post in the ‘Learning to program with C++Builder’ series – a set of five articles taking you from knowing nothing about C++ to writing a real-world, useful application. The first entry covered installing C++Builder Community. Now it’s time to start using it! Today, we’ll cover the tools you use, creating your first app, and basic debugging. Understanding…
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Real-world CMake and C++Builder applications on github

Last week, we ran a popular webinar Fast Builds and Integrating Libraries: Using CMake and Ninja for C++ Builder 10.2.3. The replay is now available on Youtube. In it, I demonstrated twoitems building with C++Builder and our CMake support: a real-world FireMonkey application, and Google Test. These are available on github: Mazes:I wrote this for CodeRageXII in…
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