
Code Insight Improvements in Delphi 10.4.2

RAD Studio 10.4.2 was planned as a feature-focused followup to the quality-focused release of 10.4.1. However, besides delivering some major features we also fixed more issues in 10.4.2 than in the previous release! This applies as much to Code Insight, or DelphiLSP, as to other parts of Delphi 10.4.2. Let’s have a look at what’s new. First, the features… Error Insight — now Error…
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Robust Exception Handling in C++Builder 10.4.2

Quality Release C++Builder 10.4.2 brings some great features we believe will really help you — the biggest being ‘split DWARF’, a way to reduce memory usage in the linker by removing debug information. If you have projects that push the linker’s limits, check it…

Open Source C++ Libraries in C++Builder 10.4.2

C++ has a wide ecosystem. One of our key goals with C++Builder is to ensure you can take advantage of the libraries other C++ developers write. With each release we’ve been working on the RTL and STL to ensure it is of a high quality and has great compatibility – exactly what you need if you’re upgrading projects, or you want to pull in C++ source code from a library online. One great…
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C++Builder 10.4.1 Event Handler and RTTI Patch

We’ve just released a patch for C++Builder 10.4.1 which affects using components written in C++ in the form designer. This patch addresses the following issue: Event handlers were not always generated in the IDE with a compatible method signature to the event handler type (RSP-29734)When using a component compiled with the classic compiler in the IDE’s form designer, generating an…
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New for the IDE in RAD Studio 10.4.1

RAD Studio 10.4.1 is a quality-focused release, and this goes for the IDE! We’ve addressed many items including some very commonly requested changes; read more below. A ‘quality-focused release’ means one where we introduce very few new features, and focus 95% of…

IDE Plugins in RAD Studio 10.4.1

RAD Studio has a great ecosystem of third party vendors, providing both components and IDE plugins, software that lives within the IDE itself. In RAD Studio 10.4.1, we made some changes to our docked windows support (a docked window is a pane like the Structure, Projects or…

New for Delphi Code Insight in 10.4.1

Delphi 10.4.1 is a quality-focused release, and this goes for code completion too! As well as helping you mimic classic code completion behaviour, we’ve fixed and tweaked many items. When RAD Studio 10.4 was released, we redesigned Code Insight. While old (‘classic’) code insight is still available as a setting, by default Delphi now uses an asynchronous, non-blocking technology for…
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