CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

Delphi 11 Alexandria Defines

As part of my recent DelphiCon 2021 session, Multi-Platform Explorations using Delphi, FMX, Feeds, REST and More, my example code needed to use IFDEFs for some of the uses statements, variable definitions and code. This blog post contains an example of the use of defines when compiling for Windows (Win32/Win64), macOS, iOS and Android platforms. I also include screen shots of the sample output on…
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2021 Annual C++ Developer Survey "Lite" by - Results summary ran a C++ developer survey “lite” for the past week. You can find the PDF survey results on the site at More than 1800 C++ developers responded to the survey. Here are a few items that I pulled out of the PDF results. Almost 90% of respondents use C++ for work. Over 50% of developers have…
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C++Builder Developer on StackOverflow was having trouble with SysUtils FindFirst / FindNext not finding all files with extension ~1~ and other strange file extensions.

Here was my answer 😀 Create a New | C++Builder VCL Windows application. On the form add TPanel, TButton, TEdit and TMemo components. Put the TButton and TEdit into the TPanel. Set TPanel align property to AlTop. Set the TMemo align property to alClient. FindFirst’s declaration in SysUtils.hpp is: extern DELPHI_PACKAGE int __fastcall FindFirst(const System::UnicodeString Path…
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C++Builder support for ISO C++ in version 10.4 Sydney

There have been several questions on forums and Stack Overflow about ISO C++ language support in the most recent release of C++Builder. This post includes links and information about C++Builder compilers that are built on top of the Clang open source compilers. Learn more…
C++DelphiRAD Studio

My five favorite new features in RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney

There are so many great new features in 10.4 Sydney, but when asked for a top five I had to prune my list a lot. Here are my top five favorite new features in RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney. 1) The new TEdgeBrowser component is a great advance for building Windows apps. Even better is the update to the TWebBrowser component that give developers flexibility to select which browser engine you want to use…
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