CodeDelphiTech Partner

Easily Monitor CPU Usage Effectively From Your Delphi Windows Apps With This Powerful Component Suite

Monitoring CPU usage becomes an essential use case in some of the applications. Don’t know how to monitor the CPU usage in your Delphi Applications? Don’t worry.MiTec’sSystem Information Management Suite’s component helps monitor CPU usage easily, and we will learn how to use the thread TPerfMonThread in this post. Platforms:Windows. Installation…
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Fascinating Personal Information Manager For Windows Is Developed With Delphi

doogiePIM is a unique Personal Data Safe in the layout of a fully operational web browser and personal information manager, developed with Delphi. It has built-in sections for calendar, tasks, bookmarks, contacts, documents, vault, finance, spreadsheets, email, a brainstorming noteboard, and custom resources. Of course, the built-in web browser is based on a Chromium engine and works as a daily…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

FireDAC Tip: Write Database Independent SQL Commands With Escape Functions

Escape sequences allow for writing DBMS-independent SQL commands. The sample predefines some escape function sequences. To execute a predefined escape function, right-click the Function edit box and choose a predefined escape function from the popup menu. Moreover, the sample allows you to write your own function. To this end, write text into the Function edit box and press Enter. Then, the…
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C++CodeDelphiTech Partner

Efficient Way To Build Your Own Windows Process Viewer In Delphi With Excellent Component Suite

Sometimes developers want to list down or identify the process running on a machine programmatically. How do enumerate the running processes and services quickly? Don’t know what to do? Don’t worry. MiTec’s System Information Management Suite’s component helps to do that effectively, and we will learn how to use the threads TSysProcMonThread and TSvcListMonThread to demonstrate the…
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