
Delphi Best Practices For A New Project In 2021 And Beyond

The goal of this tutorial is to describe the Delphi development ecosystem. It can be helpful for someone coming to IDE Software from another programming language. Delphi is really easy to learn – the programming language syntax can be learned in hours. Pascal, from which Delphi’s Object Pascal language has evolved, has long been a very popular language in colleges and education for…
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Announcing the Availability of RAD Studio 11 Alexandria

Embarcadero is pleased to announce the release of Delphi 11, C++Builder 11 and RAD Studio 11. RAD Studio 11 Alexandria builds on the feature set of the 10.4 releases and offers many new features, including an improved user experience with a High DPI IDE.  In this blog post…

The Future Of Accessibility Is Desktop First

The advancement of technology over the years has made life more comfortable. Arguably, if we’re to have a truly inclusive society, one of technology’s priorities should be eliminating the lines of race, gender, ability, amongst others. The same goes for application development. To get your products or services to the largest possible target audience, you must eliminate all usage…
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Desktops Are An Unmatched Productivity Powerhouse

Mobile apps are popular, but with the global pandemic disrupting workplaces worldwide, desktop devices will bring the office to you starting this week. Microsoft has reported that over 1.3 billion devices are running Windows 10, and the company is working on releasing…

Made With Delphi: This Brilliant Soccer Strategy Mobile App

The game of soccer is deceptively simple; guide the ball, using only your feet or head, and try to get it into your opponent’s net. Yet that simple set of instructions belies a game of great skill and cunning strategy worthy of any Army general or chess grandmaster. To get that leather sphere pounding in the back of the net requires guile and an understanding of physics and innate geometry…
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Welcome to the future of software development, again

I have some good news for you, the future of software development has arrived! Well, to be precise, the next possible big thing in the future of software development is here… again. What’s next for using Electron with Windows for Windows Application Development?

Meet Xpand - Beautiful, Simple And It's Totally Addictive

When it comes to computer games it’s often the simple ideas which are the most addictive and compelling. Hitting on a winning combination of simplicity but in a way which engages the game player so well they keep wanting more is like writing that elusive musical chorus; the ear worm, the thing which feeds some deep pleasure center of our distractible brains. Software developers are the…
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