Developer Zudomon (Nick Pützer) has been building an impressive procedural game called StoneQuest and 3D engine in Delphi. He has put in over 12,000 hours since 2011 building the engine and game. The whole game and content are less than 15MB in size! One of the goals of the developer is for him to build it entirely himself in Delphi. The current gameplay is reminiscent of Minecraft. According to…
Powerful Visual Optimizer For Investment Portfolios Built In Delphi
November 20, 2020
OptiFolio is an advanced interactive portfolio optimization software written in Delphi. According to the developer, “OptiFolio can produce an interactive visualization of all possible investment strategies for any given set of financial assets. Delphi’s compiled…
In this demonstration, you can see the speed of Delphi compiler which compiles one million lines of code in 5 seconds! This is epic!
This demonstration has done using Delphi 10.1 Berlin version. Since then, we have got big major updates, compiler enhancements, and Delphi…
Easily Pass Values Between Delphi And Python In Your Windows Delphi/C++ Builder Apps
November 20, 2020
Want to build a Delphi/C++ builder Application that should exchange values between Delphi and Python Objects. Not sure how to do it? Python4Delphi has two powerful components to achieve this faster, you can use either one component for your application. In this post, we can see both ways.
Python4DelphiDemo16 Example1App shows how to assign a variable value between Delphi and…
Powerful Chromium Based WebView Component To Host Web Content In Your Delphi/C++ Builder FireMonkey Apps
November 20, 2020
RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney brings support for working with web content through the Chromium-based Edge WebView2 browser control in VCL applications via the new TEdgeBrowser component.
Embarcadero DocWiki
But, this is for only the VCL applications currently. So…
We know Delphi supports Multithreading. Multithreading in Python can be achieved using Python Module Threading. However, In a use case like Delphi Application embedding Python(Python4Delphi) or CPython, the interpreter is not fully thread-safe. In order to support…
Useful UX Design Guidelines For Modernizing Your Delphi VCL And FireMonkey Applications In Windows 10
November 19, 2020
Its already late and time to modernize your Delphi/C++ Application with extensive Windows 10 support, as the support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020. Rad Studio offers robust components and visually stunning styles to modernize your existing applications in Windows 10. This post will give overview some of the Windows 10 specific features introduced in RAD Studio.
Learn To Add Custom Text Rendering And Formatting Capabilities To Your Delphi FMX Controls Quickly
November 19, 2020
Most applications demand high-quality text rendering, resolution-independent outline fonts, and full Unicode text and layout support. Looking for a device-independent text layout system that improves text readability in documents and in UI for Your Delphi/C++ applications?
Blastoff Game Created With Open Source DirectX Engine Built In Delphi
November 18, 2020
Quad Engine is an open source DirectX game engine built in Delphi which also offers bindings for C++ and C#. Blast-off is a showcase game built in the quad Engine and available on Stream. It is described as “Blast-off is a hardcore jumper/runner/shmup, where your alter…
Learn How To Work With MongoDB Dataset In A Delphi application Quickly Using ListView Sample App
November 18, 2020
MongoDB is a document database, which means it stores data in JSON-like documents, the most natural way to think about data, and is much more expressive and powerful than the traditional row/column model. How about connecting with MongoDB using FireDAC components in your Application and access the dataset to show in a list view? Don’t know where to start? This post will guide you to do…