CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Threadripper 3990X vs. 5950X: 1 BILLION Lines Of Object Pascal Code For #Delphi26th

Celebrating Delphi’s 26th Anniversary with some modern hardware! Two of the fastest CPUs on the market right now are the AMD Ryzen 9 5950X and the AMD Threadripper 3990X. The 5950X features 16 cores and a higher clock speed while the Threadripper 3990X features 64 cores and a higher overall PassMark score (80923). In previous posts one billion lines of Object Pascal was compiled on the AMD…
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CodeDelphiTech Partner

Gather CPU Information Within Your Windows App Using This Ultimate Component Suite

Want to determine the manufacturer, speed of a CPU, CPU Type, CPU Physical Count, etc. from your Delphi application? Want to know the CPU Cache, Standard features, Extended features information from code ? Don’t know how to do. Don’t worry.MiTec’sSystem Information Management Suite’s component helps to identify easily and we will learn how to use TMiTeC_CPU component in the…
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ShaYoFae: A Fantastic Mobile App That Helps Farmers Is Built In Delphi

ShaYoFae is a mobile app which aims to help farmers enrich their knowledge and know-how by sharing and comparing their agricultural practices and it is developed in Delphi. According to the developer, “The application makes it possible to share the agricultural operations carried out and compare them with neighboring farmers.It is a means of supporting and encouraging the evolution of…
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SiteZilla: An Astounding Onsite Delivery App Is Produced In Delphi

SiteZilla is a modern way to manage on-site materials delivery and it is built in Delphi FireMonkey. According to the developer, “Users order items by selecting the plot, then the items and quantity they require. Items can have a minimum or maximum allowable quantity (set by you). A message is sent to the drivers’ devices showing them what needs to be delivered and to which plot.
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