CodeDelphiTech Partner

How To Create A PDF File With Delphi And Add An Image To It

PDF (Portable Document Format) is a widely used open electronic document format which can be easily used in all your cross platform apps. It is really convenient thanks to its compatibility with numerous programs. As a result, it is possible to view PDF documents using different software. And regardless of the device used, the page configuration remains the same. That’s why PDF is often chosen…
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How To Make MySQL Your SQL

Today (December 20th 2022) and tomorrow you can join us for Embarcadero’s two day Enterprise CodeRage event which focusses, as you might expect, on enterprise development topics using your favorite IDE software. I am presenting two sessions – this blog post…
CodeDelphiRAD Studio

A Mobile App For A Smarter Business – How It Can Improve Productivity

Mobile applications are in high demand, and to stay competitive in the throes of a turbulent economy, it’s important to strive to provide high-performance, easy-to-use mobile apps to your users. Choosing the right set of tools is as important to a software developer as it is for a carpenter or sculptor. Hitting a nail with a screwdriver produces poor results and takes a lot longer with more…
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C++DelphiIDERAD Studio

Top 5 Visual Mobile App Builders In 2022

In today’s digital era, smartphones and mobile devices are everywhere. Every year, millions of smartphones are sold worldwide. Naturally, the increasing use of smartphones is resulting in increasing mobile app downloads. The year 2021 alone saw a whopping 230 Billion mobile app downloads worldwide, and this number will only increase in the future. According to research, Google Play Store app…
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CodeDelphiTech Partner

This Is How To Store Cross Platform App Settings In JSON

Several older approaches to storing data related to program settings have been replaced by newer ones since the introduction of Delphi as the language kept pace with emerging modern ideas and practices. In general, examples of saving settings always followed the principles of the host operating system. This article looks into the various ways to store the settings for a cross platform app in the…
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