CodeDelphiRAD Studio

High-Performance FastMath Library For Math-Intensive Applications On iOS, macOS, Android, And Windows

FastMath is a Delphi math library created by Erik van Bilsen, Co-Founder and Software Developer at Grijjy, Inc. It is optimized for speed, but that speed is sometimes at the expense of accuracy due to insufficient error checking. According to the library, it achieves good performance by using hand-optimized assembly code. One way it differs from what is built into the Delphi RTL is that accuracy…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Learn How To Create Flexible Cross-Platform FireMonkey Applications Using TFrameStand For Delphi

Create modern-looking applications with FireMonkeyTFrameStandandTFormStandcomponents from Andrea Magni, who is one of the Delphi and FireMonkey MVPs. Easily use TFrame or TForm descendants in your FireMonkey applications to gain visual consistency through the whole user experience and easily add modern-looking elements like effects and transitions. You can easily…
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CodeDatabaseDelphiRAD Studio

Easily Implement Robust Binary Large Object (BLOB) Streaming With FireDAC In Delphi

TheBlobssample shows you how to create a BLOB stream for reading and/or writing the value of a specificBLOB fieldon a specific record. To this end, the sample uses theCreateBlobStreammethod ofTFDQueryto create a read-only BLOB stream. In this sample, the BLOB stream is used to read the picture contained on eachBLOB fieldof each record of…
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