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New in RAD Studio 12.3: 64-bit IDE Initial Release!

We have a very exciting new addition in Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 12.3: the Initial Release of a 64-bit build of the IDE! Quick Facts It’s an optional installation The Initial Release of the 64-bit IDE does not yet feature-match the 32-bit IDE It installs side by side with the existing 32-bit IDE You can use both at once The existing 32-bit IDE remains the default It supports…
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Case StudyNewsShowcaseWebinar

Meet The Developer: FontCreator - Erwin Denissen

You can create some truly incredible apps using RAD Studio with Delphi or C++Builder. Apps made with Delphi are superbly robust and work natively on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. No requirement for extra runtimes, dependencies, downloads, or burgeoning frameworks since they are fully compiled, not scripts or wrappers for web apps. In the hands of a skilled developer such as the subject…
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C++CodeRAD Studio

Clang v15 compiler support coming to C++Builder 12

For C++ developers who want to take advantage of new ISO C++ language features in Clang v15 along with the power and productivity of RAD development using C++Builder, stay tuned to the Embarcadero blogs and C++Builder product website for news about the next release of C++Builder. Note: “This blog post is based on a pre-release version of the RAD Studio software and it has been written with…
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C++RAD Studio

How To Use Very Large Numbers In C++ Builder

Hello C++ Developers. In recent weeks there was another milestone when the latest RAD Studio, C++ Builder 11.3 was released. This release focused on quality and a myriad of improvements. For C+ Builder specifically, code compilation is highly improved and there are many more improvements and a whole raft of fixes in 11.3 that go into making this a good choice of modern C++ app builder. How…
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