C++DelphiHow-To'sNewsRAD Studio

New PAServer Docker Image: Smaller, Faster, Better

Deploying and debugging RAD Studio applications has never been easier. With our new Docker image and our revamped run.sh script, this process is now streamlined and more user-friendly. This post introduces our optimized PAServer Docker solution, highlighting significant improvements, including a whopping 64% reduction in image size. GitHub Repo What is PAServer? PAServer (Platform…
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CodeRAD Studio

Everything You Need To Know About Docker And More

The trouble with many lines of business applications is that they often have a habit of wanting solitary ownership of the computer on which they are running. On your personal PC, this is relatively harmless; you’re usually single-tasking, focusing on that application…
InterBaseRAD Studio

How To Deploy RAD Server With An InterBase DB To Docker

Docker enables you to simplify the deployment process effectively. It allows you to quickly deploy and scale applications into any environment. It is widely being used by development teams around the world. In this blog post, you will get an overview of docker deployment using RAD Server Engine, InterBase database, and PAServer. Let’s dive in. What is Docker? Docker is a tool that enables…
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