
Create Blazingly Fast Multi-Platform Cloud Aware Solution With RAD Studio

Delphi and C++ Builder provides a set of advanced REST components to talk with external APIs. Several sample applications show you how to exchange data with APIs. For example, theCloud API Testsample has fully functional 5K+ lines of code demo for playing with Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. This means you can connect any web service easily with the built-in components. TMS…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Quickly Enable Smooth Sliding Effects Between Tabs In Delphi Apps For Android And iOS

The FMX.TabSlideTransition Sample adds dynamism to the use of tab sliding effects in mobile applications. Location You can find theTabSlideTransitionsample project at: Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio Sydney | Samplesand navigate to: Object PascalMulti-Device SamplesUser InterfaceTabSlideTransitionCPPMulti-Device SamplesUser InterfaceTabSlideTransition…
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C++CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

Edit Custom Style to change the background color of a FMX TEdit

A Delphi developer asked how do you change the background color of a FMX (FireMonkey) TEdit ? As many know, for a VCL TEdit, you could just set the color property of the TEdit, like this: Edit1.Color := clYellow; Then at Run-Time, after calling Edit1.Color := clYellow, the Edit1 looks like this: But, a FMX TEdit does not have a Color property, so how do you do the same for a FMX TEdit? There are…
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C++DelphiRAD Studio

Advanced Debugging And Application Logging System For Windows Developers

CodeSite is an advanced debugging and application logging system that gives developers deeper insight into how their code is executing. One of the benefits of this is that you can locate problems more quickly and easily ensure their application is running correctly. CodeSite can do live logging and file logging, it can be local and remote based on the configuration. Obtaining information…
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