
Delphi Offers Deeper Third-Party Tool API Integration Than WPF And Electron

How do Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron perform compared to each other, and what’s the best way to make an objective comparison? Embarcadero commissioned a whitepaper to investigate the differences between Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron for building Windows desktop applications. The benchmark application – a Windows 10 Calculator clone – was recreated in each framework…
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Blazing Fast macOS Development With Native macOS Components

Native applications feel really good. You know what I am saying! They look nice and work better. And no flickering or eating lots of memory. With Delphi and C++ Builder you can build cross-platform native applications easily in no time. FireMonkey offers full access to the platform-specific APIs and it is easy to implement any feature by getting the full native performance. However, each…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Delphi Delivers Impressive Zero-Dependency Deployment Over WPF And Electron

How do Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron perform compared to each other, and what’s the best way to make an objective comparison? Embarcadero commissioned a whitepaper to investigate the differences between Delphi, WPF .NET Framework, and Electron for building Windows desktop applications. The benchmark application – a Windows 10 Calculator clone – was recreated in each framework…
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Additional Considerations and Links on RAD Studio 10.4.2

I’ve collected a few additional blog posts with information about new features in the latest version of Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio, which is receiving very positive external customers feedback. Last month Embarcadero made available RAD Studio, C++Builder and Delphi 10.4 Sydney Release 2…
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