
C++ Compilers that ship with C++Builder 10.3 Rio

Embarcadero has RTM’d RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder 10.3 Rio (version 20.0) today. You can read the press releasehere. Included in the release are several C++ compilers. C++Builder 10.3 Rio (20.0) C++ Compilers BCC32 – the classic 32-bit windows compiler BCC32C – Clang-enhanced compiler with a command line flag compatible only with BCC32 BCC32X – command…
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C++ Builder Header Dependencies

Why should you care about header dependencies in C++? One reason is header dependencies can have an impact on building, refactoring, testing and on the structure of your software. And reducing header dependencies in C++ also reduces compile time dependencies – the…

Try condition_variable using C++Builder(C++11).

Author: h.mohri std::condition_variable is a class for waiting for thread execution until the condition is satisfied.Used in combination with std::mutex. I tried the wait() function in std::condition_variable.This is combined withstd::unique_lock<std::mutex>. I thought of the following specifications.As shown in the figure, create multiple threads.All threads are in Wait state.Then let…
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Visualize JSON using TTreeView

Author: h.mohri I tried a program that reads a JSON file in C++Builder VCL and displays it in TTreeView component. This project file is open to public from github. github.com/mojeld https://www.microsoft.com/store/productid/9PLPHK05PJF7 Place two…