
The Top 10 C++ IDE Features For Native Windows Development

The C++ Programming Language is one of the most widely used software development languages in the world. It can be downloaded easily and, combined with a great C++ IDE, allows you to create native applications which really harness the full potential of the operating system and underlaying hardware. The great variety of sources and hosts for C++ compilers often means users can develop smaller…
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The Best C++ Compiler for Windows 10 And 11

C++ is arguably the most powerful programming language as well as being one of the world’s most popular. It has many pre-defined functions, and libraries which make writing modern, robust C++ a breeze. Using a fast and reliable C++ compiler and IDE is very important for…

10 Quick Hot Tips For Building A Modern C++ App

When developing a C++ app with the use of Builder C++, these quick tips from Embarcadero C++ MVP Ylmaz Yörü will help you create truly useful and responsive UI designs for your users, as well as top-notch code to back up the functionality. Read on as you’ll learn the 10 quick hot tips when you are planning to build a modern c++ app. 1. You should use CLANG Standards in your C++ app…
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Using a Common C++ Library with C++Builder and TwineCompile

One of the many big advantages to using C++ for applications and projects is the access one has to the vast library of C++  libraries and frameworks available. Basically, there is a C++ library for anything, and if there isn’t, there is definitely a C  library for it.  Back in the day, it was generally a challenge to integrate different libraries into C++ projects due to the variances…
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C++Builder support for ISO C++ in version 10.4 Sydney

There have been several questions on forums and Stack Overflow about ISO C++ language support in the most recent release of C++Builder. This post includes links and information about C++Builder compilers that are built on top of the Clang open source compilers. Learn more…

Issues mixing Classic and Clang objects: Linker warnings & improving app stability

The C++Builder linker will warn you when you mix object files linked with classic and clang together, helping you avoid linker or runtime errors. Today in 2020, we recommend using the modern Clang compilers, especially with the work we’ve been doing for Win64 (eg entirely new debugger) and the RTL improvements to make upgrading from classic easy. However, many customers upgrade in…
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