C++IDENewsRAD StudioWindows

Dynamic Packages in C++Builder 12.2!

RAD Studio 12.2 brings several great improvements to C++. One of these is the completion of the new Windows 64-bit Modern toolchain with the addition of both using and creating dynamic packages (BPL files.) Dynamic Package Consumption When we released the new toolchain in RAD Studio 12.1, it fully supported building VCL and FMX apps, as well as using and creating static libraries, DLLs, console…
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C++ModernizationNewsRAD StudioWindows

The new Clang Toolchain in C++Builder 12.1!

The new Clang Toolchain in C++Builder 12.1! RAD Studio 12.1 has big news: we have released the first version of our new Clang-based toolchain! This is a complete revision of the entire technology stack, and provides a solid, modern, ‘done the right way’ foundation for all of C++ going forward. Technical Info The new toolchain targets Windows 64-bit Intel apps, and is based on Clang 15, with a…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

Successful Windows Development With This C++ Compiler Download

C++ is the most powerful programming language and as well as being one of the world’s most popular. It has many pre-defined variables, functions and libraries. Using a fast and reliable C++ IDE is very important for beginners and professionals since it helps C++ developers in remembering which language features exist, how to use them and even detect errors when we get it wrong. An IDE…
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3 Main C++ Compiler Tips to Develop Successful Apps

Is your compiler set to use the CLANG compiler in the IDE options? If you are developing apps using lesser known C++ compilers, or maybe your legacy projects are starting to show their age, we highly recommend you switch to a CLANG C++ compiler which supports the latest…
C++IDERAD Studio

Is C++ A Programming Language?

C++ is a great thing to develop amazing apps but is it a programming tool or a programming language? Using a powerful, fast and reliable C++ compiler, IDE andC++ GUI frameworkare very important for beginners and professionals but how do they help and what do they do? If a C++ IDE helps C++ developers in remembering which language features exist, how does it do that? If you are an…
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