
Use TRESTDataSetAdapter with arbitrary JSON

One basic questionI get asked is howcan I convert arbitrary JSON into some kind of data structure such that I can extract useful data? One solution is to use the TRESTDataSetAdapter with arbitrary JSON. TheTRESTDataSetAdapterandTClientDataSetcomponents convert theJSONrepresentation into a dataset. The TRESTDataSetAdapter has many nice…
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New CData FireDAC drivers

Author: Pawe Gowacki It is very exciting time for Delphi and C++Builder developers! Embarcadero just announced partnership with CData to provide the whole suite of new FireDAC drivers that provide connectivity to major APIs and web services. The list of new FireDAC drivers…

CAD with C++Builder, episode#0

Author: Seva Leonov Where Last year I had a course in programming with C++. They were 2nd year students, and they already got C# and Python. Then their dean called me and ask: “Look, Seva, I want to get them programming, not writing code. Can you?” That was a real challenge, so I gave the students a doubled course in C++ with a couple of last lectures on C++ and RAD principles. The…
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FireDAC & ODBC for Paradox and dBase tables.

I continue to get customer requests for options to migrate legacy RAD Studio, Delphi or C++ Builder applications using the Borland Database Engine (BDE) with Paradox and/or dBase files. With the current versions of RAD Studio…

Visualize JSON using TTreeView

Author: h.mohri I tried a program that reads a JSON file in C++Builder VCL and displays it in TTreeView component. This project file is open to public from github. Place two…

May 2017 Roadmap Commentary from Product Management

We just published the May 2017 Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio roadmap which we’re really excited about. In our roadmap, you can find the key features that we planned for calendar year 2017/2018. The plans are aligned with Embarcadero’s fiscal year which starts April 2017 and ends in March 2018. We generally plan to update our roadmap every 6 months. We wanted to take this…
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