
How To Program A Robot in C and C++? 

Both the C and C++ languages are both popular choices for robotic applications, including IoT systems. We have some great topics this week again some of which on robots and IoT systems along with a few posts on more basic subjects suitable for absolute beginners.A robot is a machine that is mostly programmableand capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. IoTs like…
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The Top 5 Quick Tips About Automating Development

Increasing technological advances are changing the software development world as we know it, whether that is pure native Windows development or a more blended approach targeting multiple device types. If you don’t keep up there’s a definite nagging doubt that you…

This Is How To Explain Automation To Your Boss

Behind every successful organization, especially those specializing in windows application development, are innovative solutions and strategies which were, at some point, just ideas in the minds of employees like yourself. You’ve probably identified areas of improvement in…

What is Automation And Why Does It Matter Right Now?

So, you’ve heard a few things about processes and workflows getting automated here and there, and perhaps you’re wondering what it is, and why it’s receiving so much traction, or why does it even matter? You’re not alone. Many developers, who don’t particularly understand what automation is, resist adopting it as part of their development process, often not realizing that their IDE…
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5 Apps To Help You Manage Your Automation

Advances in control system technology and robotic process automation software are changing how enterprises view and manage business processes and workflows. From improved asset utilization, faster process completion, to real-time data access, automation opportunities are…

Powerful Torque Tool Controller Is Developed In Delphi

The Torque Tool Controller project catches the results of tightening from a tool controller for future analysis and it is developed in Delphi. According to the developer, “This is my prototype to verify torque / angle traceability connected with tool controller. I have been working with this project with Delphi 7.” The application appears to be running on some specialized equipment and…
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Dealer RQ Customer Control Program Is Made In Delphi

Mobile FF app is designed as a mobile station, customer control program, creation and renewal of objects, and viewing statistics for objects and it is built in Delphi. The interface is in Russian but it is a business automation app. The app itself is part of a larger system that the developer offers. According to the developer, “What do we know about the program r-keeper, aika, tilipad, 1C…
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