
Cool new FMX components by Graham Murt @kscomponents

Some cool new FireMonkey components, ksComponents (Kernow Software FMX components), created by Graham Murt, are available on GitHub. You’ll find the source code for TksListView, TksFormTransition, TksTableView,TksSlideMenu, TksSegmentButtons and TksChatView. Readme file can be found at https://github.com/gmurt/KernowSoftwareFMX/blob/master/README.md. You can follow the kSComponents on…
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JEDI libraries now in GetIt Package Manager

Author: Luis Navarro Hello. I’m very pleased to announce that the popular JEDI libraries are now available in the GetIt Package Manager catalog. For those who don’t know these libraries, the JEDI Code Library (JCL) consists of a set of…

Working with Sensors, Devices and Platform Services in your C++ applications

All of our modern PCs, Smartphones, Tablets and other devices include more than just a screen, keyboard, mouse, memory, and storage. The devices We use include sensors for location, orientation, acceleration, ambient light, etc. My Samsung Slate Series 7 is a hybrid or “2 for 1” device that is both a desktop PC and a Tablet. It includes two cameras and accelerometer. Even if they…
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Delphi JSON Viewer

Author: Michael K22532 JSON support has been introduced in Delphi 2010 as a part of DBExpress database driver architecture, but of course JSON support is not limited to just database applications. JSON is similar to XML as both are text-based data interchange formats. Delphi…

Error 'Could Not Load SSL Library' when using Indy SSL components

Author: Embarcadero USA Problem: When using the Indy SSL components, an error ‘Could Not Load SSL Library’ is raised. Answer: This error is raised because you must have OpenSSL installed on your machine in order to use the IndySSL components. At runtime, Indy attempts to load libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll. Due to restrictions on exporting SSL technology, these .dll’s are…
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Custom InPlace Editor in StringGrid

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ2434D.txt Custom InPlace Editor in StringGrid Category :VCL Platform :All Product :Delphi 3.x Question: How can I popup my own inplace editor (such as a combobox) in a string grid cell? Answer: The…

How to put a progress bar on a Status Bar ...

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ2293C.txt How to put a progress bar on a Status Bar ... Category :VCL Platform :All Product :C++Builder 3.x Question: How Do I put a Proress bar on a status bar. Answer: Here is an example: This is the form: object Form1: TForm1 Left = 191 Top = 108 Width = 226 Height = 140 Caption = 'Form1' Font.Charset =…
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