CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Machine Learning: 5 Ways To Use ML in your Windows Apps

How do I start using Machine Learning in Windows? Machine learning isn’t just for the cloud, or run locally in a web browser or command prompt. Microsoft is bringing it to PCs in the latest Windows 10 release. For example, Microsoft provides Python’s WinRT to create Windows Machine Learning applications, and ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) format, an open standard for sharing trained…
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C++Code :: Sort Text, Paste A Matrix To Excel, Use Optional, Parallel Tasks And More In Windows C++ Apps

Hello C++ Developers, We have great C++ picks for you from last week. Do you want to rotate a 3D object in a text form?, Do you want to copy your matrixes or tables and paste to excel forms? Do you want to sort .txt files in modern C++? Do you want to learn how to use the ‘optional’ C++ feature? Want to learn more about practical memory pool-based allocators?
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VCL Styles: Master The Secrets Of Beautiful Modern Apps In Windows 10

Similar to Windows themes, VCL styles make it easy to radically change the appearance of your VCL applications, giving your application that extra level of polish and professionalism. Thanks to the Per Control VCL Styles introduced in 10.4, a single form can take advantage of multiple styles giving you maximum customization and control. RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder ship a selection of VCL…
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