
How Do Delphi And Electron Line Up on Development Time? Benchmarking Study

Development time is a vital component of any software development project, even before it starts. It relies partly on development tools and partly on developer productivity, and heavily influences cost, upgrade and maintenance estimations. When businesses choose a software framework they begin a long-term relationship for the duration of their application’s lifecycle. Given the strategic…
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This Is How To Improve the Performance of .NET Apps

Microsoft’s .Net is one of the most popular technologies used by businesses to power mission-critical digital services. Millions of developers use C#, ASP.Net, etc., to develop different types of widely used software solutions, primarily for Windows development. Solutions…

Why You Should Be Fearless When Developing With Delphi

Delphi is a superb language for developing applications for all platforms, desktop, mobile, or the web. Delphi can make gorgeous apps for the desktop such as Windows, Linux or macOS and yet is just as capable for mobile devices such as iOS and Android. You can create web apps with this Windows tool for developers– not just simple pages but fully capable involved creations which contain all…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

What You Need To Add Language Detection To Your Apps

Wouldn’t it be nice to enhance your app with automatic language detection support for 173 languages? The Languagelayer is a simple and powerful REST API built to efficiently match the text of any length to its corresponding language, cross-referencing single words, expressions, and grammatical constructions, as well as taking into account any existing accents, dialects, and other linguistic…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

How To Make An App To Convert IP to Geolocation

Wouldn’t it be nice to know where your customers access your website from and customize user experiences based on IP?! ipstack offers a powerful, real-time IP to geolocation API capable of looking up accurate location data and assessing security threats originating from risky IP addresses. Results are delivered within milliseconds in JSON or XML format. Using the ipstack API you will be able to…
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