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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

All You Need To Know About Using Low Code REST

REST is a type of software architecture that was designed to ensure interoperability between different Internet computer systems. Basically, the idea is that services that comply with REST architecture can more easily communicate with one another. You can integrate REST API with IDE Software for building Delphi Applications and C++ Apps. REST stands for representational state transfer and it…
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Get To Know This Industry-Leading Mobile Lighting Delphi App

MyInterface is the deceptively simple yet powerful client application for the industry-leading LightFactory system from New Zealand developer Dream Solutions Limited. The MyInterface app, which is written using the excellent cross-platform features of the RAD Studio Delphi Firemonkey FMX framework, runs on iOS and Android devices. Dream Solutions say, “This app connects to LightFactory…
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More VCL Support for Windows 11

With the official release of Windows 11, Embarcadero has made some specific VCL styles, and I’m offering some coding helpers specific to the new version of the Microsoft desktop OS. More will come over time. After the announcement earlier this year, Microsoft…

What Are C++ Live Data Bindings, Charts And Vectors?

Hello C++ Developers, C++ Builder has a lot of specific great features for handling and linking to data as well as different ways to visualize what you’ve retrieved. You can use visual bindings on the standard components or you can use it with data components as a…
DelphiRAD Studio

The Inexorable Rise Of The Supercharged Developer

Over time, software development has experienced a major drift not just in implementation, but in terms of the mindset as well. Back in the day, the engineering teams had clear, specific, and defined roles. The individuals in the team were expected to perform their part of the duty with minimalistic involvement and participation in other fields. Now that we are living in an agile world…
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Do You Know The German Word For "Sauerkraut"?

You know, the hardest part about learning a new language is remembering some of the more esoteric words and phrases. Does that error message say “syntax error” or “successful compilation”? Does that button really say “end” in Danish or has there been some kind of horrible misunderstanding? How do I exit VIM? Just kidding – nobody knows that. But…
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ModernizationNewsProductivityRAD Studio

RAD Studio & The Software Life Cycle – Publishing Applications

Publishing an app on multiple platforms can be a challenge when there are guidelines to be met and a consistent user experience guaranteed. In the first of a three-part series on the value RAD Studio…