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How To Get The DelphiCon 2021 Desktop Wallpaper

DelphiCon 2021 is coming up soon and in order to get in the spirit we created this desktop wallpaper that captures the essence of DelphiCon. DelphiCon 2021is the best way to learn all about yourfavorite programming language. Sessions are planned around the latest features, as well as general best practices, and emerging technologies that apply to all versions. There are also sessions…
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DelphiRAD Studio

How To Build a Digit Classifier In Tensorflow

MNIST – Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology is the crucible of a comprehensive computer vision database. Since its release in 1999, MNIST’s classic dataset of handwritten pictures has been accepted as the foundation for benchmarking…

My November Conferences: EKON 25 and DelphiCon 2021

Over the next two weeks, I’m presenting at two different conferences: EKON 25, in-person in Dusseldorf, Germany, and DelphiCon 2021, Embarcadero largest yearly online event. EKON 25 The EKON conference in Germany is likely the longest running Delphi focused event, celebrating the 25th session this year, certainly a big breakthrough. The conference is in Dusseldorf, November 8th to 10th…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Everything You Need To Know About Blockchain

Blockchain is a term utilized to represent distributed ledger technology. Blockchain is used to build a storage system for data in a distributed and immutable mode. So there are key features we need to mention. Immutability– this means that once data is…
DelphiDeveloper InterviewsInterviewNews

What Is It Like To Be A Developer Serge Pilko?

Hello. This article is part of a series where we speak with professional software developers who use Windows App Development Tools, ask them what it’s like to write code for a living, and perhaps gain a few insights into the software development industry along the way. Today we have a very popular member of the Delphi and RAD Studio developer community, Serge Pilko. Serge and I have…
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RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Patch 1 Available

Today Embarcadero released a patch for RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 11 Alexandria. The patch addresses a few relevant issues in the most recent release and is available to active update subscription customers in the GetIt Package Manager (with a matching alert showing…

The New RAD Server Lite (RSLite) in RAD Studio 11

We announced the availability of a new option to deploy and license RAD Server as part of the RAD Studio 11 Alexandria release, with the goal of simplifying deployment for installations that do not require a large number of REST requests. What is RAD Server? Before I get to the specifics, let me remind you what RAD Server is. It is a REST server engine that allows you to quickly develop REST…
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ModernizationNewsProductivityRAD Studio

RAD Studio & The Software Life Cycle – Publishing Applications

Publishing an app on multiple platforms can be a challenge when there are guidelines to be met and a consistent user experience guaranteed. In the first of a three-part series on the value RAD Studio…