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CodeDelphiTech Partner

Writing Your Own Components For The FastReport Dialog

When creating a report, it is important not only to make a beautiful printed form that will display the data necessary for the user. but also a convenient prepress dialog where the user can set the parameters for generating the report. In the RAD Studio IDE Software, on the fastReport prepress dialog, there are already a number of components, for example, Label, Edit, Button, Memo. But…
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Windows 11 Styles and Effects - Updating Your GUI - Webinar

In this article, you’ll learn more about the Windows design language, what has changed, and how to make your applications look their best on Windows11, view the webinar’s recording. The Five Eras of Windows UI Windows ClassicWindows XP (Luna)Windows AeroMetro (aka Microsoft) Design LanguageMicrosoft Fluent Design System Windows Classic From Windows 3.11Simple…
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5 Things To Learn About C++ To Kick-Start Your Skills

Happy New Year to All Developers, We had a great year, 2021 passed by full of new C++ posts inLearnCPlusPlus.orgwith great articles for professionals and beginners, most examples were compatible with different C++ IDE software and C++ compilers. In this year we published about 400 posts in 18 different categories including some special categories like Artificial Intelligence, Game…
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Top 10 How-To’s: FireDAC

FireDAC is a Universal Data Access library for developing applications for multiple devices, connected to enterprise databases. With its powerful universal architecture, FireDAC enables native high-speed direct access from Delphi and C++Builder to InterBase, SQLite, MySQL…

What Is The Next Big Thing in Blockchain?

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin use enormous amounts of energy to secure their network. But why are cryptocurrencies so power-hungry and more importantly what are the alternatives? Much of the hardware used to perform the calculations uses highly specialized computers running…

What is Automation And Why Does It Matter Right Now?

So, you’ve heard a few things about processes and workflows getting automated here and there, and perhaps you’re wondering what it is, and why it’s receiving so much traction, or why does it even matter? You’re not alone. Many developers, who don’t particularly understand what automation is, resist adopting it as part of their development process, often not realizing that their IDE…
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C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

What You Can Do With RAD Studio 12.2

RAD Studio 12.2, released on September 12, 2024, has changed the development game again. How? With features never before seen in the IDE, like embedded access to AI-assisted coding, and with…