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What is Automation And Why Does It Matter Right Now?

So, you’ve heard a few things about processes and workflows getting automated here and there, and perhaps you’re wondering what it is, and why it’s receiving so much traction, or why does it even matter? You’re not alone. Many developers, who don’t particularly understand what automation is, resist adopting it as part of their development process, often not realizing that their IDE…
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How to Master Ethereum in 6 Simple Steps

What is Ethereum and how is it different to Bitcoin? Whether your focus is on native windows development or for mobile, cross platform targets, Ethereum is the community-run technology powering the cryptocurrency ether (ETH) and thousands of decentralized applications.

The Impact of Log4j on Software Development with Delphi and C++Builder

Thoughts on the security issues of Log4j, what they imply for the developer community in general, and the specific effect on RAD Studio developers. Unless you live on a remote island with no Internet connection, you’ve certainly heard about the Log4j issues that affected so many applications and internet services over the last 10 days. The coincidental discovery of this critical bug in the…
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This Is The Blockchain And It May Rule The World

If you write apps, whether it be native Windows development, or perhaps targeting a broader market encompassing mobile devices, cryptocurrency is an area of incandescent growth and potential opportunity. Like the white-hot-topic of AI, cryptocurrency is a new frontier, and…

This Is The Blockchain: Expectations vs. Reality

We have discussed Blockchain technology in our “Everything You Need To Know About Blockchain” article. In that article we have learned about: ImmutabilityDistributionHow trust issues can be resolved with BlockchainBlockchain in the financial industryHigh…
DelphiRAD Studio

How To Automate Large Numbers Of Delphi Project Builds

What is build automation? Despite the ever-increasing rise of mobile devices, desktop applications are still the backbone of enterprise environments. Typically, these enterprise solutions are made up from multiple discrete modules which are harnessed together to create an application suite. But even applications which are themselves monolithic there may exist multiple versions at any one time…
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5 Ways To Modernize Your Data Access Pipeline

Building database applications with Windows IDE: RAD Studio (Delphi & C++ Builder) gives the best experience for developers. For instance, if you want to connect to a database, just drop a database connection component into the project and select the source of the data.

Why You Should Be Fearless When Developing With Delphi

Delphi is a superb language for developing applications for all platforms, desktop, mobile, or the web. Delphi can make gorgeous apps for the desktop such as Windows, Linux or macOS and yet is just as capable for mobile devices such as iOS and Android. You can create web apps with this Windows tool for developers– not just simple pages but fully capable involved creations which contain all…
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InterBase ODBC Driver on GitHub

Embarcadero just released the source code of the most recent version of the ODBC driver for the InterBase relational database. This is an open source driver which has been available for long, but…