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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

The Top 5 Misconceptions About Windows Program Development

The Windows operating system is the most used desktop operating system in the World. Windows 11 launched with a substantial firestorm of publicity from Microsoft. With the new innovations such as the excellent Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL) there seems to be a large uptick in interest from coders looking to Windows program development. Microsoft have consolidated their position as the dominant…
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13 Things About C++ Software You May Not Know

C++ is an incredibly versatile, powerful, multi-purpose programming language. There is quite literally nothing that cannot be done with C++ whether it be a low-level, close to metal system application which pulls out the maximum amount of power from the computer to the most…
DelphiInterviewTech Partner

Alister Christie And Serge Pilko Talk Delphi, Part 1 of 3: Career Beginnings With Delphi

In the world of Delphi, Alister Christie needs no introduction. He is the author of the legendary “Code Faster in Delphi”, and the creator of hundreds of videos that showed many of today’s Delphi developers around the world how to program and accomplish things with Delphi.  Of course, some people believe that the ‘real world’ itself is actually a simulation. We’re going…
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Final Build Times With Delphi And Electron - Benchmark Study

The final build time metric in the “Discovering The Best Cross-Platform Framework Through Benchmarking” whitepaper measures the total amount of time required for the framework to produce the final build for the benchmark application. The whitepaper evaluates two frameworks supporting multi-platform desktop application development: Delphi and Electron. This is the fourth in a series of…
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DelphiRAD StudioTech Partner

How To Make Facebook Posts From Windows And Mobile Apps

At Softacom, as a software company specializing in mobile and Windows app development using Delphi, we often integrate clients’ software with 3rd party services using API. In this article we show you how to automatically create posts on Facebook from your Delphi apps using the Facebook Graph API. How can I create posts on Facebook from a Delphi application? Facebook is the…
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InterBase ODBC Driver on GitHub

Embarcadero just released the source code of the most recent version of the ODBC driver for the InterBase relational database. This is an open source driver which has been available for long, but…