C++DelphiRAD Studio

The High-Performance Future Of AI Is REST APIs

Businesses mostly prefer artificial intelligence solutions that are customized as per their needs and serve exactly the same purpose that they want to achieve. In such situations, that require a significant level of customization, desktop apps are still an ideal choice of adoption for fast-paced businesses. Desktop apps are powerful execution tools that can natively run on your local…
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What Are The New C++ Posts From LearnCPlusPlus.org?

Hello C++ Developers, Rad Studio 11 Alexandria has been released on 9th September 2021. This release introduces several new features for C++ IDE and Delphi programming languages, enhancements, and quality updates and bugfixes.  Some of the key areas are: You can…
DelphiRAD Studio

Delphi in the Galileo Project in Brazil

The first class formed by Tech4Me’s Galileo Project also ended their journey with knowledge in Delphi. What is Project Galileo? The Galileo Project is a Tech4Me initiative that aims to transform the lives of young people from simpler backgrounds through…

Everything You Need To Build A WSL GUI Tool Today

The Windows Subsystem for Linux allows developers to run a GNU/Linux environment including command-line tools, most of the utilities, and applications directly on their Windows computers.It has become extremely popular and an IDE Software like RAD Studio Delphi is able to create Linux applications which run directly on both WSL and full Linux computers. Several WSL distributions are…
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Delphi Best Practices For A New Project In 2021 And Beyond

The goal of this tutorial is to describe the Delphi development ecosystem. It can be helpful for someone coming to IDE Software from another programming language. Delphi is really easy to learn – the programming language syntax can be learned in hours. Pascal, from which Delphi’s Object Pascal language has evolved, has long been a very popular language in colleges and education for…
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Announcing the Availability of RAD Studio 11 Alexandria

Embarcadero is pleased to announce the release of Delphi 11, C++Builder 11 and RAD Studio 11. RAD Studio 11 Alexandria builds on the feature set of the 10.4 releases and offers many new features, including an improved user experience with a High DPI IDE.  In this blog post…
CodeDelphiRAD Studio

What You Need To Add Language Detection To Your Apps

Wouldn’t it be nice to enhance your app with automatic language detection support for 173 languages? The Languagelayer is a simple and powerful REST API built to efficiently match the text of any length to its corresponding language, cross-referencing single words, expressions, and grammatical constructions, as well as taking into account any existing accents, dialects, and other linguistic…
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