C++CodeIDERAD Studio

Three Important C++14 Features That You Can Use In C++ Builder 12

Hello C++ Developers, Yilmaz here, community manager for LearnCPlusPlus.org. This week was another milestone for the C++ developers, the new RAD Studio 12, the new C++ Builder 12, and the new Delphi 12 were released packed full of great features, optimizations, and improvements. There was an amazing 2.5 hours of presentation about RAD Studio 12 (I think it was the longest release presentation…
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C++CodeRAD Studio

Three Important Modern C++ Features That Can Be Used With C++ Builder

Hello C++ Developers, this week, we have 3 more modern C++ features that can be used in C++ Builder. In C++14 you can store string in strings using modern programming methods. In the first post, we explain how you can preserve the string format especially when we use a string in a string with /”. Containers are powerful data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful for iterating…
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[Yukon Beta Blog]: NativeInt as a Weak Alias

This blog post is based on a pre-release version of the RAD Studio software and it has been written with specific permission by Embarcadero. No feature is committed until the product GA release. Besides the changes to string literals, with support for long and multiline…
C++CodeRAD Studio

Three Important Posts About The Features Of C++14

Hello C++ Developers. As I write this post, the summer is over (if you live in the Northern hemisphere), and, in most countries, the new educational year has started, and we wish good luck to all students. If you are a student and want to learn C++, we have a lot of educational posts for you. This week, we continue to explore features from the C++14 standard which is available in C++ Builder. This…
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Embarcadero InterBase 2020 Update 5 Released!

We are happy to announce that today Embarcadero has released a new version of its InterBase flagship database engine, InterBase 2020 Update 5. With this release, the company continues to improve the product’s quality and usability. IBConsole UX Redesigned InterBase 2020…
C++RAD Studio

Useful Features Of Modern C++ That Come With C++14

Hello fellow C++ Developers. This week we continue to explore features from the C++14 standard. One of the features that comes with C++14 is auto return type deduction,. We explain auto return type deduction with very simple examples including lambda and template examples. The Lambda Expression construct is introduced in C++ 11 and further developed in the C++14, C++17, and C++20 standards. In…
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