
C++Builder Developer on StackOverflow was having trouble with SysUtils FindFirst / FindNext not finding all files with extension ~1~ and other strange file extensions.

Here was my answer 😀 Create a New | C++Builder VCL Windows application. On the form add TPanel, TButton, TEdit and TMemo components. Put the TButton and TEdit into the TPanel. Set TPanel align property to AlTop. Set the TMemo align property to alClient. FindFirst’s declaration in SysUtils.hpp is: extern DELPHI_PACKAGE int __fastcall FindFirst(const System::UnicodeString Path…
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Quickly Learn How To Connect And Manage A SQLite Database For Delphi/C++ Builder With SQLite Sample App

SQLite becomes popular for working with light weight embedded, mobile, IoT, and desktop applications. Do you want yourDelphi and C++Builder Applications to connect with SQLite Database? How to start? Don’t worry,FireDACoffers robust components to connect with MySQL Database. FireDAC.SQLLiteSample app demonstrates how to use FireDAC to work with SQLite…
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C++Builder 10.4.1 Event Handler and RTTI Patch

We’ve just released a patch for C++Builder 10.4.1 which affects using components written in C++ in the form designer. This patch addresses the following issue: Event handlers were not always generated in the IDE with a compatible method signature to the event handler type (RSP-29734)When using a component compiled with the classic compiler in the IDE’s form designer, generating an…
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DelphiRAD StudioTech Partner

Easily Add Joystick Support To VCL Apps In Delphi 10.4 And C++Builder 10.4 On Windows

It is surprisingly easy to add joystick support to your VCL app on Windows. Here is a third party component by WINSOFT for Delphi and C++ Builder for retrieving joystick position and status for any keys. You can use wired or wireless joystick for your application like games, audio/video players and other application. I have tested this delphi component on a recent Windows 10. All functionality…
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