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Playing a WAV from a resource.

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ498C.txt Playing a WAV from a resource. Category :Windows API Platform :All Product :C++Builder 1.x Question: How do I play a sound from a resource? Answer: We haven't been able to get the SND_RESOURCE flag to work, however you _can_ load up the resource into memory and then use the SND_MEMORY flag. Follow these easy…
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Displaying an error string from GetLastError.

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI2459C.txt Displaying an error string from GetLastError. Category :General Platform :All Product :Borland C++ All Description: Displaying an Error Message with GetLastError GetLastError is a WIN32…

Linking to Functions in Third-Party DLLs

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI2407C.txt Linking to Functions in Third-Party DLLs Category :General Platform :All Product :Borland C++ All Description: Linking to Functions in Third-Party Dynamic Link Libraries ======= ==…

Filtering Your DataSet in C++Builder

Author: Embarcadero USA Technical Information Database TI2367C.txt Filtering Your DataSet in C++Builder Category :General Platform :All Product :C++Builder All Description: Filtering your DataSet In C++ Builder Filtering lets you specify criteria to temporarily restrict the data being viewed. For example, you may be interested in retrieving or viewing only those records for…
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Converting an AnsiString to Char*

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ1360C.txt Converting an AnsiString to Char* Category :VCL Platform :All Product :C++Builder 1.x Question: I am trying to convert a String to char* but keep receiving the error: "Cannot cast…

C++Builder WinExec() and CreateProcess()

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ1378C.txt C++Builder WinExec() and CreateProcess() Category :Windows API Platform :All Product :C++Builder 1.x Question: I am updating my code for Win32 and changing my WinExec() calls to…

How do I make a ComboBox Read-Only?

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ971C.txt How do I make a ComboBox Read-Only? Category :VCL Platform :All Product :C++Builder 1.x Question: How do I make a ComboBox Read-Only? Answer: The same effect can be achieved by changing the style to csDropDownList. 7/2/98 10:32:32 AM Next, learn about how you can convert int to char C++ in this…
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Bad object file record in...

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ563C.txt Bad object file record in... Category :Linker Platform :All Product :BC++ 5.x Question: What's a possible cause for the linker error Fatal: Bad object file record in file xxx near module…

Showing a splash screen at startup

Author: Embarcadero USA Question and Answer Database FAQ533C.txt Showing a splash screen at startup Category :VCL Platform :All Product :C++Builder 1.x Question: Where is the best place to open a splash screen on program start up? Answer: The best place to open a splash screen is in the project source file after initializing the Application object and before running the…
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InterBase ODBC Driver on GitHub

Embarcadero just released the source code of the most recent version of the ODBC driver for the InterBase relational database. This is an open source driver which has been available for long, but…