DelphiRAD Studio

Why We Love Windows Development (And You Should, Too!)

I can say, with confidence, that desktop apps are not dead, in fact they are very much alive and thriving. Web apps are on the rise and it’s a common trope to say that web applications can replace windows app development. But they couldn’t do that. In some cases, Web apps are suitable as the primary way for users to consume your product ideas and output. But mostly, web apps are an…
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More VCL Support for Windows 11

With the official release of Windows 11, Embarcadero has made some specific VCL styles, and I’m offering some coding helpers specific to the new version of the Microsoft desktop OS. More will come over time. After the announcement earlier this year, Microsoft…
CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

Working Example Code of Using STOMP In Your Application

STOMP is the Simple (or Streaming) Text Oriented Messaging Protocol. STOMP provides an interoperable wire format so that STOMP clients can communicate with any STOMP message broker to provide easy and widespread messaging interoperability among many languages, platforms, and brokers. You may use IDE Software such as Delphi for STOMP. You can check the latest version of the STOMP specification…
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Developing Fluent User Interfaces For Windows 10

In this post, we invite you to Join Delphi MVP Ian Barker as he demonstrates how to achieve the modern Windows 10 look and feel with RAD Studio themes and some *extremely* low-cost third-party controls. Ian will show you how to achieve that truly modern WOW factor with…

TCoffeeAndCode Developer Chats in March 2021

TCoffeeAndCode is back – register now!! TCoffeeAndCode is returning back for 3 more sessions in March, moving to a new time of 1pm GMT (2pm CET) to enable a lunchtime break, and also enable some of our American friends to join us for a breakfast bru! Tue – 16th March – 1pm GMT / 2pm CET / 8am CDT Catch up around RAD Studio 10.4.2 A chat with Marco Cantu and David Millington…
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Delphi 10.4.2 Compiler Speed Improvements

Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney is out, and it is full of new features, fixes, and general quality improvements. I really do believe it is the perfect mix of polish and new features, and everyone I’ve talked to seems to agree. One of the stand-out features is the Delphi compiler…