
Building the Future - Delphi's 27th Anniversary - #Delphi27th

The 14th of February is just around the corner, and while for many that means chocolates and flowers, we know the true meaning: Delphi’s birthday! The theme of Delphi’s 27th anniversary is Building the Future! It is always great to tell the story of how you discovered Delphi, but let’s look to the future. How do you see Delphi making the world a better place? What Delphi…
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Windows 11 Styles and Effects - Updating Your GUI - Webinar

In this article, you’ll learn more about the Windows design language, what has changed, and how to make your applications look their best on Windows11, view the webinar’s recording. The Five Eras of Windows UI Windows ClassicWindows XP (Luna)Windows AeroMetro (aka Microsoft) Design LanguageMicrosoft Fluent Design System Windows Classic From Windows 3.11Simple…
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More VCL Support for Windows 11

With the official release of Windows 11, Embarcadero has made some specific VCL styles, and I’m offering some coding helpers specific to the new version of the Microsoft desktop OS. More will come over time. After the announcement earlier this year, Microsoft…

Developing Fluent User Interfaces For Windows 10

In this post, we invite you to Join Delphi MVP Ian Barker as he demonstrates how to achieve the modern Windows 10 look and feel with RAD Studio themes and some *extremely* low-cost third-party controls. Ian will show you how to achieve that truly modern WOW factor with minimal effort. Looking for a windows software that helps you design User Interfaces? Try the Windows UI Toolkit and make the…
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