
The Idera Inc. Family of Brands 1/3 - Data Tools

As a RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder and InterBase user you’re likely aware that Embarcadero, the company that brings you these tools, is a subsidiary of the Idera Corporation. You’re less likely to be aware, however, that the Idera Corporation also owns a number of other brands that fall into three broad groups – data tools, dev tools, and devops tools. Many of these brands have…
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C++RAD Studio

5 Easy Things To Learn Using C++ Builder 11 CE

Hello C++ developers, C++ students, and C++ educators. This week was another milestone for the C++ programming language with a free version of C++ Builder, C++ Builder 11 CE Community Edition released on April 2023. If you are a start-up developer, student, hobbyist or just…

5 New Posts About C, C++, And Python

Hello C++ Developers. In today’s round-up of recent posts on, we have 5 new C and C++ posts with some very simple examples that can be used with a modern C++ Compiler that supports C++17. We also dabble a little with Python too, just for good…
C++CodeRAD Studio

The Pros And Cons of The C++ Programming Language

C++ has a reputation for being one of the most efficient and powerful programming languages. It is still incredibly popular in almost all developer surveys despite having been available for over 40 years. Understanding the pros and cons of the C++ programming language can help you decide whether or not it’s right for you and also help you to select the right code editor (IDE) and C++ build…
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C++IDERAD Studio

What Is Modern C++ in 2023?

Every year, the “Modern C++” term appears in many discussions. In general, the “Modern C++” term started with the release of the C++11standards. Since that time, the C++14, C++17, and C++20 standards followed. In the future C++23 is on the horizon already. Modern C++ consists of a lot of features of previous C++ standards too and, of course, those of the C Programming…
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C++RAD Studio

5 New Posts About Variables, Enums And More In Modern C++

Hello C++ Developers. Many times, the “Modern C++” term appears in discussions. In general, “Modern C++” started with the C++11 standards. C++11 is shorthand for C++ that is based on and implements the C++ ISO/IEC 14882 standard. Similarly, C++14 is later standard, C++17 follows that, C++20 after that, and C++23 in the future. Moreover, modern C++ consists of a lot of…
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