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On the 2018 Spirit of Delphi Award to Cary Jensen

As you can read in details athttps://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/2018-spirit-of-delphi-award-winnerat the last CodeRage conference Embarcadero resumed the old tradition of giving recognition to an active member of the Delphi developers community, picking contributors in various areas. The blog post above by Jim McKeethhas the entire history of the prize and…
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PacktPub $5 Delphi Book Sale

PacktPub has been adding Delphi programming books and videos lately, and they have a big sale going on right now with them all availablefor just $5 each. I’ve not read or reviewed all of these, but I know most of the authors, and many are MVPs. Mastering…

2018 Spirit of Delphi Award

If you’ve been a member of the Delphi community for a while you are no doubt aware of the Spirit of Delphi Award. The Spirit of Delphiwas introduced in 1998 It was announced as part of the annual developers conference (called ICON98 as it was during the…

ABI Changes in RAD Studio 10.3

In RAD Studio 10.3 we’ve made an interesting very low-level change that affects both Delphi and C++. This is a change in the how method parameters are passed when a method is invoked. For the vast majority of customers, this issue won’t affect you — or if it does, you will see the effect in terms of bugs that no longer occur. However, you may be interested in what we changed, why, and…
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#CodingResolutions: Strings and the RegExpDemo Sample App

Author: Rebekah D In this installment of the #CodingResolutions series, let’s take a look at Strings and how to manipulate them. While today still has a fair amount of reading, we’ll finish off by playing with a sample application that demonstrates String validation. Prerequisites: You should already have downloaded and installed either the RAD Studio 30 Day FREE Trial…
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2019 #CodingResolutions: Your First Windows App (In C++ or Delphi)

Author: Rebekah D Skipping Past “Hello, World!” Ready to create your first app? Most introduction to programming classes will start with the quintessential “Hello World!” program that outputs that greeting phrase to the console and it looks like this: While generations of programmers have gotten a thrill from seeing these words, that’s not a very exciting program, is it?
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C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

What You Can Do With RAD Studio 12.2

RAD Studio 12.2, released on September 12, 2024, has changed the development game again. How? With features never before seen in the IDE, like embedded access to AI-assisted coding, and with…