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#CodingResolutions: Programming Fundamentals – Functions

Author: Rebekah D

If you completed any of the String exercises from the past day, you probably already have a handle on what functions are and how they are used. You should skip this lesson and work on a challenge of your choice. 


You should already have downloaded and installed either the RAD Studio 30 Day FREE Trial, Delphi Community Edition, or C++ Builder Community Edition.

If you did not install the Samples directory during installation, go install them now. 

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What Are Functions? 

Functions help programs complete repetitive tasks.  Here are a couple of reasons why functions are important: 

  • Reusability.  Instead of writing the same section of code over and over again, write it once and use it when you need it
  • Abstraction. You can use an existing function without really understanding (or caring) what’s going on inside it. In the C++ tutorial below, the presenter mentions that toInt() is also a function… and the sample app you build will use it, but we never go look at what it is doing behind the scenes.
  • Readability. Proper use of functions can help other developers (and you) read and understand your code more quickly. 

Coding a C++ Function with Windows Apps

This tutorial does a great job walking through a basic function that takes input from the user in a text box, then adds a specific value to it and displays the result. The video itself is dated by several years, but that’s okay because the fundamentals have not changed – a function still acts and behaves the same way. Let’s follow along with the tutorial’s steps using our new 10.3 version of C++Builder.

1. Open C++ Builder 

2. Create a new multi-device C++ app 

3. On the Form Designer, make sure your View is set to Windows Desktop to most closely align with the tutorial’s screen.  Follow along with the video to add 3 buttons, 3 edit fields, and 1 label.

4. Double-click Button1 to open the code view. The tutorial walks through adding code for each button that looks like this:

The point the tutorial makes is that the above code is very repetitive because the buttons all perform the same action: they add 5 to the user’s input and then update the label.  

5.   The tutorial will walk you through creating a function named SaveTime which performs the math for the button.  

Your code will look like this: 


int SaveTime(int x)
return(x + 5);
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
Label1->Text = SaveTime(Edit1->Text.ToInt());
void __fastcall TForm1::Button2Click(TObject *Sender)
Label1->Text = SaveTime(Edit2->Text.ToInt());

More Practice:  C++ Console App Functions

This tutorial has sample code and walks through creating different functions for a console application. 

Delphi Functions

Marco Cantu walks through Delphi Functions and Procedures in this FREE Course: https://www.embarcaderoacademy.com/courses/396722/lectures/6067596

Previous #CodingResolution posts: 

See What's Coming in 12.2 Athens Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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