
Learn to Program in Delphi - Architecture and Layers of Code

Author: Pawe Gowacki Last week we have created „DelphiSuperCalculator” project and learn how to build, run and debug it. Before rushing into writing code it is a good thing to step back first and think about the overall architecture of your app. This typically involves breaking your app into smaller parts and in code a typical metaphor is a “layer” or “tier” of…
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Compiling a Million Lines of Code with Delphi

Author: Jack M57168 I was talking with someone the other day about how fast the Delphi compiler was. I decided to build a sample app to see how long it would take to compile a million lines of code. I made a video to show the results . . . I plan to expand…

Adding a [FixedLength] Attribute in Code-First Entity Framework

Author: Craig Stuntz In Code First Entity Framework models, you can define the length of a string field with StringLengthAttribute, but you have to write code in OnModelCreating to indicate a CHAR/NCHAR fixed length field: public class MyEntity { [Key] public int Id { get; set; } [StringLength(2)] public string FixedLengthColumn { get; set; } } public partial class MyContext…
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How to convert an object to JSON and back with a single line of code

Ever wanted to take an Object into a format that is easily persisted and back? Well now you can. New in XE6 is the REST.JSON unit. This allows you access to TJSON a class with some very helpful class methods. Using TJSON you can convert an object to a JSON string and back with a little help from generics along the way. The following code uses a class called TFoo that has a Foo and a Fee property…
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Altium Designer 15 000 000 codelines

Author: zhang Embarcadero likes mentioning Altimum Designer when asked about high-class large-scale successful commercial systems made with Delphi. The project has about 15000000 codelines. Altium Designer is a CAD system for electronic products, including 3D…

Creating an Overflow Menu on Android

During my CodeRage 8 session I talked about creating an Action Bar with an Overflow menu, so I wanted to provide some step-by-step instructions. On Android, an Action Bar is atop(or top and bottomaligned) toolbar that is segmented into…

My "Secure DataSnap Development" CodeRage 8 session

Author: Pawe Gowacki During my CodeRage 8 “Secure DataSnap Development” session I’m demonstrating different levels of security in DataSnap architecture. Communication Protocol: DataSnap supports three different communication protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS. Choosing the HTTPS protocol that is implemented using SSL (“Secure Sockets Layer”) adds encryption to the communication…
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