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C++CodeRAD Studio

LearnCPlusPlus.org :: Color to Alpha Example, Learn to Use Clipboard + Much More

Hello C++ Builder Developers, We have new post picks for you from the LearnCPlusPlus.org website. We listed some of the interesting posts from the last week. If you are a beginner or want to jump into C++ Builder please visit our LearnCPlusPlus.org website for the great posts from basics to professional examples, full codes, snippets, etc. Do you want to learn to convert an image to an alpha…
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RADStudio IDE Keyboard Shortcuts Guide

RAD Studio Keyboard Shortcuts The RAD Studio IDE has a great number of keyboard shortcuts that can save you from grabbing the mouse and help you code even faster. The RAD Studio keyboard shortcuts can help developer productivity during many of the regular jobs a developer does in the IDE including, Navigating your project within the IDE Writing code faster with code completion, code templates…
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Delphi Built: An Impressive Application For Controlling Quantel Laser

Quantel Laser Control is an impressive application that is built in Delphi. As stated by the developer, “This app can be used to control the Quantel Viron laser over a Bluetooth connection. Support for other lasers will be added in the future.” According to their website, “LUMIBIRD is one of the world’s leading specialists in lasers. With 50 years of experience and…
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Enterprise-Grade X12 Library To Work With Electronic Data Interchange

The Software Development world is big and thousands of different technologies, standards are built for every problem. For instance, schema standards like BizTalk, SEF, Bots, and Altova to work with Electronic data interchange. IPWorks X12 provides the ultimate versatility for developers and businesses interested in facilitating their software systems with Internet EDI (X12) parsing…
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C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

What You Can Do With RAD Studio 12.2

RAD Studio 12.2, released on September 12, 2024, has changed the development game again. How? With features never before seen in the IDE, like embedded access to AI-assisted coding, and with…