In keeping with our Build your own Summer Camp theme, today we are focusing on C++Builder. Before I jump into C++ learning resources, a reminder for the TCoffeeAndCode Live Stream and Danny Wind’s Introduction to REST WebServices.
Monday we had a quick intro to installing C++Builder 10.4.2 CE. The following 13 video playlist walks you through some C++ Fundamentals:
Once you’ve completed the basics, here are 36 more interesting C++Builder videos that get into building visual applications, working with databases, etc. Thanks to Željko Kovačević, who also provided the source code to accompany the videos.
Željko Kovačević’s Full Playlist:
- VCL Components, Dialogs and Forms
- Frames
- Creating Login Form
- Using Delphi source code
- Actions & Action Lists
- Localization
- Localization Without Resource DLLs
- INI files & Windows Registry
- XML Files & XML Binding Wizard
- Reading and Writing JSON Files
- Creating Custom File Format
- ADO (Database connection)
- ADO & Stored Procedures
- ADO & Lookup Fields
- ADO & Blob Fields
- ADO & Data Concurrency
- Threads
- Threads & Critical Sections
- Single Instance Application
- Parallel Library vs. TThread
- Process return value
- Indy TCP Client_Server
- Indy UDP Client_Server
- Indy TCP (Screenshot)
- Indy SMTP (send e-mail)
- Indy POP3 (receive e-mails)
- Web Services (SOAP)
- Web Services (REST Client)
- Creating REST Web Service (WebBroker)
- Hash Functions
- Hash functions, Symmetric + Asymmetric Cryptography, and Digital Signature (LockBox)
- Static Libraries (LIB)
- Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL)
- MP3 as Resource
- DLL Resources (card game)
- Developing VCL Components
When you are ready to apply your C++ skills, head over to Exercism’s C++ Track.
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Thanks for the resources.
I am trying to deploy a Multi-Device application to an Android device. The devi ce open a File Explorer when connected, but the “Target” is not able to find it. I went through the Help wrt this problem, but it still does not recognize the device. I noticed that the Deployment drop down does not include “Android 64-bit” devices. My device is an Android 64-bit device. The Help system does not seem to help much. How can I deploy my code onto my Adroid device?
Thanks for the help.
I have a 64-bit Android device and it works fine. Make sure your devices is in developer mode and has USB debugging turned on. If you use the Android Debug Bridge (adb) from the command-line does it list the device? Your Android device will prompt you to confirm you are OK connecting it to a new computer, so you need to allow that on the device.
ADB does not show anything, but I have the File explorer able to navigate the file structure. It is in Developer mode with USB debugging turned on. Device Manager has no USB drivers for the device. There is a separate Portable Devices -> G6 entry.
Prior to attempting to connect to the device, the deployment drop-down menu does not allow for the Android 64-bit SDK/NDK. How do I change from the Android 32-bit to the Android 64-bit? Or, does it matter?
Use the ADB that is installed with C++Builder.
Thank you very much for sharing it to us to learn more about C++
I don’t see the source code link..?