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Collecting Multiple Pages of REST Results in a Single MemTable

the future of starts demands massive productivity

I’ve run into this a few times, where a REST Service returns results in pages, so you have to make multiple passes to get all the data. One thing I love about the RAD REST Client Library is the ability to store all the data in the FDMemTable where you can work on it. Unfortunately when you can only get part of the results that limits the functionality. Here is a simple solution to get all the pages in a single FDMemTable.

What you need is a second FDMemTable. My first one is called MembersTempTable, and it is attached to the Response Adapter. The second one is called MembersMemTable and it will hold the complete set of data.

/ Drop any existing data
// Get the first page 
MembersRequest.Params.ParameterByName('limit').Value := '50';
MembersRequest.Params.ParameterByName('offset').Value := '0';
// This clones the FDMemTable
  [coStructure, coRestart, coAppend]);
// Now we add the other tables
  // Repeat until we don't get a full page
  while MembersTempTable.RecordCount = 50 do
    // Start with the next page
    MembersRequest.Params.ParameterByName('offset').Value := 
      (MembersMemTable.RecordCount - 1).ToString;
    // Append those records into our FDMemTable
    MembersMemTable.CopyDataSet(MembersTempTable, [coAppend]);
  MembersMemTable.IndexFieldNames := 'id';


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About author

Director of Delphi Consulting for GDK Software USA. Many software related patents, including swipe and pattern unlock and search engines. First Silver and Gold Delphi badges on Stack Overflow Former Developer Advocate for Embarcadero Technologies. Long time fan of programming, especially with Delphi. Author, Podcaster/YouTuber, Improvisor, Public Speaker, Father, and Friend.

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