Today’s Cool Apps selection is CEF32 Emulator Framework, from Alan Conroy. CEF32 is a framework that allows users to emulate hardware configurations, and create their own emulators as well. Delphi and the VCL were key to its development, and Alan did a great job with the application.
Alan had three goals in mind when he made CEF32. 1) Strike the right balance between accuracy of emulation and the speed at which modern hardware runs said emulation. 2) Provide a consistent base user interface for emulators. 3) Make emulator development fast and easy by providing general-use components and utilities. CEF32 uses a plug-in architecture that allows you to mix and match components to create a huge variety of configurations. The wealth of components that are included is impressive, and it makes creating your own emulators very user-friendly.
As Delphi celebrates its 25th birthday in 2020, it’s especially cool to find apps that offer glimpses into the past as well. CEF32 is a utility that honors the past and embraces modern Delphi to do it. Download it through the link below and give it a try today! Congratulations again to Alan Conroy and to CEF32 Emulator Framework for being the latest Embarcadero Cool Apps selection.
Learn more about CEF32:
Next, discover another cool app: Marc Hoffmann’s user-friendly tool called ExBox so you get the most out of your projects.
Cool Apps Sections are apps developed with our RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder, or InterBase. Did you make something cool? Submit a short description of your application with 3-4 screens, and/or a link to a YouTube Video with a demo. If the application is non-visual, feel free to describe more and if you want to include a code snippet or a diagram, anything that highlights the ingenuity of your solution. Please send your submissions to coolapps@embarcadero.com or you use this form to walk you through the process.
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