
Delphi Best Practices For A New Project In 2021 And Beyond

The goal of this tutorial is to describe the Delphi development ecosystem. It can be helpful for someone coming to IDE Software from another programming language. Delphi is really easy to learn – the programming language syntax can be learned in hours. Pascal, from which Delphi’s Object Pascal language has evolved, has long been a very popular language in colleges and education for…
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Announcing the Availability of RAD Studio 11 Alexandria

Embarcadero is pleased to announce the release of Delphi 11, C++Builder 11 and RAD Studio 11. RAD Studio 11 Alexandria builds on the feature set of the 10.4 releases and offers many new features, including an improved user experience with a High DPI IDE.  In this blog post…

How To Make A Native Cross-Platform App In 30 Seconds

In the last few years, companies are increasingly seeking the most cost-effective ways to optimize the way they make powerful applications. Cost-effective demands high productivity and a fast app development environment. Furthermore, using Windows App Development Tools to create Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux applications from a single code base allows you to enter the market quickly and…
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RAD Studio 11 Preview at Desktop First Summit

I just gave a session including a preview of RAD Studio 11 at the Embarcadero organized Desktop First UX Summit. Here are some highlights. As the release of RAD Studio 11, Delphi 11 and C++Builder 11 is coming, you can learn about a few of the expected features by…

The Future Of Accessibility Is Desktop First

The advancement of technology over the years has made life more comfortable. Arguably, if we’re to have a truly inclusive society, one of technology’s priorities should be eliminating the lines of race, gender, ability, amongst others. The same goes for application development. To get your products or services to the largest possible target audience, you must eliminate all usage…
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Tracking Changes with InterBase Change Views

The ability to track changes in your database can be a time consuming and tedious process that can in certain circumstances impact the performance of your database and your users. InterBase offers an easy to implement solution to tracking those changes. What are Change…
DelphiDeveloper InterviewsInterviewNews

What Is It Like To Be A Developer Joe C. Hecht?

Hello. This article is part of a series where we speak with professional software developers who use Windows app development tools, ask them what it’s like to write code for a living, and perhaps gain a few insights into the software development industry along the way. Today we’re talking to Joe C. Hecht also very well known as “TJoe”. Joe is now tapping out code in the humid heights of…
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