
Celebrate Delphi's 27th by Upgrading Your Skills #Delphi27th

There is a interesting increase in the instructive content available for RAD Studio recently, in particular for Delphi. There are new books being released frequently, whitepapers and videos, as well formal training courses, covering a myriad of topics from beginners to advanced users. To celebrate the Delphi 27th anniversary, I’ve decide to create this blog and list all the content and…
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Top 10 How-To’s: Modernization

Application modernization, also known as legacy modernization, involves updating existing software and its features to benefit from technological advances and maintain performance. Modernization can involve making apps cloud-native to lower cost and increase scalability and…

Delphi’s 27th Anniversary Webinar

Next Monday is Delphi’s 27th Anniversary and Embarcadero has organized a webinar to celebrate and to discuss the product status Delphi 1 was introduced on February 14th 1995, 27 years ago next Monday. You can read the recent Delphi Time Warp and Building the…

Building The Future With Delphi #Delphi27th

Bill Clinton was President, Windows 3.1 was king, and CompuServe was still a thing. The R&D team at Borland Software Corporation which included Anders Hejlsberg, Gary Whizin, Chuck Jazdzewski, Dave Scofield, Allen Bauer, Hank Cox, Marc Cousineau, and Ray Kaestner released Delphi and changed the software development world forever. In 1995 Delphi was lauded as the next generation Windows…
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Developing for Android 11 & 12 with Delphi 11 Alexandria

Android 11 is shipping on most new phones, but Android 12 has rolled out to Pixel devices everywhere. Join this webinar to see what has changed in these latest versions of Android and look at some best practices for Android development with tips for targeting the latest…

Building the Future - Delphi's 27th Anniversary - #Delphi27th

The 14th of February is just around the corner, and while for many that means chocolates and flowers, we know the true meaning: Delphi’s birthday! The theme of Delphi’s 27th anniversary is Building the Future! It is always great to tell the story of how you discovered Delphi, but let’s look to the future. How do you see Delphi making the world a better place? What Delphi…
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DelphiHow-To'sNewsProductivityRAD Studio

Top 10 How To's: RAD Studio

RAD Studio 11 Alexandria comes with a wealth of new super features to boost your productivity and give you access to new services and advances capabilities. The best new features include support for High-DPI 4k screens, provisioning for Windows 11, design-time views of styles, and much more. Here are our 10 favorite picks for getting things done in RAD Studio. 1. How to Use New Platform…
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