
New RAD Studio 11.3 Inline Build

Embarcadero has just released a Community Edition version of Delphi and C++Builder based on a new build of 11.3, build 28.0.48361.3236. For this reason, we are also making available a new inline build of RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder 11.3 (build 3236), which includes the fixes provided in 11.3 patch 1. This means a customer downloading and installing 11.3 (the regular product or the trial…
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Delphi 11 and C++Builder 11 Community Editions Released!

Embarcadero has made available the Community Edition license for the most recent 11.3 release of Delphi and C++Builder. This is a free edition of either Delphi or C++Builder for students, hobbyists and startups (as the license is revenue-limited). What is Community…

RAD Studio 11.3 Alexandria Patch 1 Available

Today Embarcadero released a patch for RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 11.3 Alexandria. This patch addresses several issues in RAD Studio 11.3, including a content type parsing issue with REST requests and skipping some database events, some errors in the IDE and debugger, and some missing files for the new TBiometricAuth component. Installing this patch is recommended for all RAD Studio 11.3…
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Getting Big with Pi in Delphi

When I was very young and first learned about Pi they told me 3.14 was a good approximation, but it was an irrational number that went on forever, and people with computers were able to calculate many digits. I had a computer (Commodore Vic 20) and wanted to see how many…

Software Testing Fundamentals & a Must-Have Book

Software testing is one of the pillars of the software development life cycle, or SDLC (Plan – Design – Implement – Test – Deploy – Maintain). The goal behind the SDLC is to help developers build software cost-efficiently and minimize the related risks while ensuring the shipped product meets the expectations of its end users. The Parts and Types of Software…
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Calculating Pi in Delphi for Pi Day 2023

Update: I revisited the calculation of Pi with even more digits. In the United States today, March 14th is  π day (3rd month, 14th day, or 3/14). Traditions involve eating pie, the pastry, and calculating Pi, the irrational mathematical constant. Animation of the…

The New VCL ControlList Multiple Selection in Delphi 11.3

There is a small new features in the VCL library in the recently released Delphi 11.3, the option to enable multiple selection in the ControlList component of the VCL library. What is a ControlList? The ControlList component was introduced to the VCL a few years back to allow managing extremely large lists in a totally virtual way. A control list, in fact, has a panel with a structure that is…
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