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RAD Studio 11.3 Alexandria Patch 1 Available

rad113 patch1

Today Embarcadero released a patch for RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder 11.3 Alexandria. This patch addresses several issues in RAD Studio 11.3, including a content type parsing issue with REST requests and skipping some database events, some errors in the IDE and debugger, and some missing files for the new TBiometricAuth component. Installing this patch is recommended for all RAD Studio 11.3 customers.

GetIt-based installation steps for this deferred package are very similar to what already described in the blog post https://blogs.embarcadero.com/rad-studio-11-alexandria-patch-1-available/. Notice that you also have the ability to “dismiss” a patch and not be reminded about it in the Welcome Page any more, even without installing it. Notice also that if you install the patch via GetIt the IDE About Box will indicate the patch has been installed.

In this case you download the patch ZIP file from the my.embarcadero.com portal (where it will be available shortly), you’ll have to install it manually, following similar steps of the automated install. You need to manually close the RAD Studio IDE before you install the patch (you’ll see an error if the IDE is running) and follow the steps in the readme.

Additionally, we have already released an update to the local help files on the docs site, see links below in the readme, and we’ll make the same update available in GetIt shortly.

rad113 patch1 getit

RAD Studio 11.3 Patch #1 Readme

This patch addresses several issues in RAD Studio 11.3, including a content type parsing issue with REST requests and skipping some database events, some errors in the IDE and debugger, and some missing files for the new TBiometricAuth component. Installing this patch is recommended for all RAD Studio 11.3 customers. This patch is about 325MB to download.

Installation via GetIt

If you download the patch via GetIt, it is installed automatically, creating a backup of the files replaced. However, because PAServer is installed on remote computers, you need to manually reinstall PAServer on the target platforms you are working with, following the steps at: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Installing_the_Platform_Assistant_on_Windows

Manual Download and Installation

This patch is also available in the download portal at my.embarcadero.com. In this case, after downloading and expanding the ZIP file, you should run the patch.R113.patch1_install.bat file or manually expand the R113.patch1.zip into the respective subfolders of the RAD Studio installation folder. You also need to update PAServer on target platforms as discussed above.

Uninstallation Steps

If you installed the patch via GetIt:

  • Open the Catalog Repository installation folder and move to the patch folder
  • Run the patch.R113.patch1_uninstall.bat file
  • Only *after* you have cleared the patch, uninstall the package from GetIt

If you installed the patch manually:

  • Open the folder you expanded the patch ZIP file into
  • Run the patch.R113.patch1_uninstall.bat file
  • Delete the folder and patch ZIP file

Local Help File Update

Separately, we are making available an update of the 11.3 local help files in GetIt and at https://docs.embarcadero.com/products/rad_studio/ (see the ZIP files for Offline CHM Help and Offline Libraries CHM Help)

Quality Portal Issues Addresses by This Patch

  • RSP-41180 RESTResponse component does not return content
  • RSP-41178 Embarcadero Formulardesigner/VCL
  • RSP-41170 IDE AVs on opening project
  • RSP-40997 Missing files for TBiometricAuth for iOS simulator ARM64
  • RSP-40802 Event OnValidate fails when the DBGrid is full
  • RSP-40757 empty REST response
  • RSP-40726 Delphi REST API / TRESTRequest broken for OData APIs
  • RSP-40601 Error in setting “LSP-Verhalten” options
  • RSP-40549 RESTRequest should accept multi part ContentType

The patch also addresses the following internally found issues and internal support tickets:

  • The Win64 LLDB debugger now does not show *simple* datatypes in the mouse hints when hovering on variables
  • TRESTClient does not recognise response as JSON when Content-Type is application/vnd.retailer.v8+json
  • AV when trying Generate SQL in a FireDAC Update SQL Editor
  • C++ debugger doesn’t evaluate Button->Text properly on iOS platform
  • IDE slow when debugging on Android 32-bit and 64-bit
Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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About author

Marco is one of the RAD Studio Product Managers, focused on Delphi. He's the best selling author of over 20 books on Delphi.


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