
Adding a custom style selector to your VCL application

Adding a style selector menu to your application only takes a couple of lines of code and allows you to quickly update your existing user interface while providing added flexibilityto your customers. To add a style selector, I added a combobox to the form with the following code: uses VCL.Themes; procedure TForm9.StyleSelectorChange(Sender: TObject); begin …
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Author: Landerson Gomes Video Demo of a prototype project of the Fuel Station Management App. Project One partner asked me for a mobile application for fuel station management that interacted with a server application that already exists and is in production. Using Delphi…

Dark Side of the TDataSet

Author: Bogdan Polak BSC Declaration Why this blog I continue the series of introductory articles into the architecture focused on Delphi environment. I was planning to start this blog with a series of posts that may not be revealing, but allow you to put together a…

Creating a profile screen for your mobile application

I am using the following components on my form: TTabControl with 3 tab items TabItem3 consists of: TCircle with the stroke color set to match the toolbar color and a profile photo as the fill TToolbar with multiple Speedbuttons and the screen title Multiple labels on the form TListBox with several list items, each with a custom bitmap and a Listbox search header. TStyleBook…
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Try Delphi on Amazon Linux.

Author: h.mohri I tried Delphi on Amazon Linux. Amazon Linux is Linux that exists only in the instance of EC2(AWS). “Free tier eligible” can be used. [Create an instance.] Select Amazon Linux from EC 2 and create a new instance. It is possible to connect…

Design Patterns in RAD Delphi

Author: Bogdan Polak BSC What is a design pattern? While several definitions can be formulated, they all contain one universal message. In my opinion the most accurate definition is given in the Wikipedia: I would like…

FireMonkey on Linux!

Author: Pawe Gowacki It did not take long since the release of Delphi Linux compiler to have the ability to build Linux GUIs with Delphi! Just go to and get the only currently available download of FireMonkey for Linux which is “Free Trial v…

Hello Delphi and VCL! Hello community!

Author: Bogdan Polak BSC Hello This is my first blog entry. I’d like focus here on software architecture in Delphi world. Why do Delphi developers need architectural patterns? Do they need it? In my opinion, they do not only need it, but they use it constantly. In my opinion, the question worth considering is: what patterns should we use and whether each pattern fits each project? I would like…
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