
Full Featured FireMonkey Mobile Client Source Code For Delphi 10.2 Tokyo On Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows

For the server-side, the RAD Server Field Service Template makes use of a RAD Server-based REST server module. On the admin side, there is a desktop client based on FireMonkey for adding, viewing, and managing appointments. You can also use the admin client to manage parts inventory and user administration. FireMonkey was used to create the offline-capable cross-platform client app, which can be…
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Free Field Service App Template Solution Quick Start Guide For Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows

The RAD Server Field Service Template consists of three main components and a setup application (also check out the deep dive). The Field Service Admin app has been tested on Windows and macOS (but probably also runs on Android and iOS). The Field Service App has been tested on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows. The Field Service Setup has been tested on Windows. The Field Service Server has been…
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Delphi Community Edition

Author: Germán Estévez La comunidad Delphi llevaba tiempo demandando esta versión de Delphi y finalmente Embarcadero se ha decidido a dar ese paso. Hace tiempo que disfrutábamos de la versión Starter, pero con la “Delphi and C++Builder Community Edition” se da un…

Learn to Program with Delphi Community Edition: Part 3 - Architecture and Layers of Code

This is Part 3 of our five part “Learn to Program” series. In Part 2, we created “DelphiSuperCalculator” project and learned how to build, run and debug it. Layers Before rushing into writing code it is a good thing to step back first and think about the overall architecture of your app. This typically involves breaking your app into smaller parts and in code a typical metaphor is a…
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Tech Tip: How do I secure RAD Server for production deployment?

Note: This is not a comprehensive security tutorial for RAD Server merelya tech tip. There are a number of sections in the emsserver.ini file which can help you secure your RAD Server for production which include Server.APICrossDomain, Console.Login, Server.Authorization. You can limit cross site scripting by changing the CrossDomain setting in Server.APICrossDomain to only allow your…
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